Everything Else

New Year, New Posts

Hey, Everyone! As we’re all acutely aware, today marks the start of the new year. It’s 1/1/2015 (or 1/1/2015 if you’re not in America) and I’m going to kick off the new year with a new initiative: One. Drawing. A. Day!

This will definitely mean more regular updates to the site. We’ve also updated to WP 4.1, and are looking forward to taking advantage of some of the new features. Stay tuned for more, as well as today’s drawing.

Update: And here is today’s:



The last day of Wizard World Chicago

Here we are at the start of the last day. It’s been a lot of fun and I’ve met a lot of really cool people. I’m excited to have this weekend close out strong. If you’re bringing your kids today, be sure to bring them by Artist Alley booth G24. I’ll be there with Juan Delgado and Matthew K. We’ll be giving out free sketches all day.

Here a few of the ones we have done and scanned for other people:



Wizard World Chicago 2014 is halfway over!

We’ve been having a great time over here. Selling prints,and doing free sketches! I’m still sitting in my hotel room waiting for the busiest day of the con to start, and I can’t help but feel pumped.

Come join us today and get a free sketch of your own. We’re in the Artist Alley at G24. Also, be sure to follow me on twitter for any updates: @MikieDraws

And lastly, here are a few things I’ll be offering today:


Wizard World Chicago, here we come!

Hey, it’s been quite a while since I’ve updated, but I just wanted to post that I’ll be at Wizard World this whole weekend (Aug 21-24). Come find me in the Artist Alley at booth G24 for a free sketch!

Also, be sure to follow me on twitter for any updates: @MikieDraws

Make Me A Super Hero Villains
